2019 Feburary, 25th and 26th, world conference center, Bonn.
Together with our project partners FEMOS and Fraunhofer IPA, we presented our project “incluMOVE” at the status conference “eQualification 2019” in Bonn.
At the conference, experiences and information from all funded projects of the BMBF program “Digital Media in Vocational Education and Training” can be exchanged. Over a period of two days, the projects of all funding announcements of the program are presented in a 90-minute workshop and a project exhibition (agenda).
“Gregor”, our new face of “incluMOVE”, was a very special highlight at “eQualification 2019”. Both, in our workshop and at the project exhibition, the conference visitors responded positively to Gregor, many smiling and grinning. The round mouse is the new virtual assistant of the project and from now on will appear in the “incluMOVE” application and future learning videos.
Live polls and rewards in the form of sweets turned our presentation of the project into an interactive event that was also high in calories. During the presentation the participants were asked some questions. Correct answers were rewarded with sweets. This enabled us to clearly illustrate the effect of Gamification: factual content and backgrounds don’t get “gambled away” or become dubious through motivation, good mood and fun. Exactly this is our most important goal for the augmented learning and workplace in “incluMOVE”. In a playful way, the psychological well-being of people with disabilities should be increased without giving them the feeling that their work is less important, or even a game. It is important to us that people with disabilities are treated with respect in our project and that we consciously appreciate the value of their work.
The participants expressed great interest in our project “incluMOVE” not only in the subsequent constructive discussion, but also in the project exhibition. Overall, “eQualification 2019” was a very informative and enriching event for us. We got to know new projects from other funding announcements, learned about the progress of existing projects and were inspired by numerous ideas and approaches. We were particularly interested in the progress of other inclusion projects. Together we could exchange experiences and discuss problems.
[…] our helpful mouse Gregor has officially been introduced at the eQualfication, he now has to prove his abilities as a virtual assistant in a study. Within the project incluMOVE […]