Here you can find a list of all our HCI (Human-Computer-Interaction) research projects:
The aim of Game MAgiC – Mindset Agility Creator is to develop a system for gamification in teaching, including an exemplary application. The project is funded by the Foundation for Innovation in University Teaching, sponsored by the Toepfer Foundation.
04/2024 – 03/2026
The aim of KomIn2Assist is to develop an assistive system that supports people with impairments at work. Text-based interactions provide context-aware knowledge and coaching and thus strengthen competence, autonomy and self-confidence. KomIn2Assist is funded by the BMBF in the programme Innovative Arbeitswelten im Mittelstand.
01/2023 – 12/2025
#ABCforJobs is a BMBF-funded educational project to promote written language. The aim is to teach low-literate employees and unemployed people hybrid written and digital content through virtual mapping of reading, writing, comprehension and implementation in a professional context.
11/2021 – 10/2025
OGFLab stands for Open Game & FabLab Offenburg. It promotes the entrepreneurial spirit at the university across all faculties with its own premises including the corresponding equipment, professional advice and comprehensive network. The focus is on game and app development (GameLab) and rapid prototyping (FabLab). The OGFLab is funded by the BMBF with the “StartUpLab@FH” measure.
07/2021 – 06/2025
Project Archive
Here you can find a list of all our completed projects:
The aim of the emocare project is to make evaluations of emotions and mental states accessible in health care using emotion, gesture and voice regocnition algorithms. emocare is a project in cooperation with Dr. Hornecker Softwareentwicklung und IT-Dienstleistungen funded by the Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (ZIM) of BMWi.
02/2021 – 11/2022
Noneliness App
The Noneliness App project investigates how a gamified social platform can strengthen the social connectedness within a university community and reduce loneliness among students. In a secure virtual environment, users can organise meetings, make new friends, set up discussion groups or seek psychological support. The platform uses gamification to increase student engagement in mutual aid.
See also: Offenburg University of Applied Sciences launches Noneliness App and Loneliness App at MobileHCI 2020
10/2018 – 09/2022
Social Robots
The research project Social Robots investigates the social acceptance – especially with regard to cultural differences – of social robots. Social robots are machines that are able to recognize as well as interpret human facial expressions and gestures and can match their own actions to them. The project addresses the acceptance of robots on an empirical level.
See also: Social Robots – A Science Comic and Social Robots: Springer Book and A Workshop: Social Robots
incluMOVE is an educational research project that aims at empowering people with reduced or impaired performance during their work. The goal is a context-aware and interactive system which provides support by projection and a haptic device. Additionally, gamification elements will integrate a playful character into everyday work.
10/2017 – 03/2021
The project KoBeLU develops a context-aware and interactive system which should make learning more playful and self guided for trainees. The system should act as a personal coach and adjust the training sessions individually by using emotion recognition. If the trainee needs help, hints and tips are projected onto the working area.
08/2016 – 07/2019