ACI Director Prof. Oliver Korn gives exciting insights into the gaming field and explains how the Open Game & FabLab OGFLab supports students in starting their own business in the #11 OG podcast episode on February 3, 2022. He explains why emotions are increasingly in focus in human-machine interaction and how the Affective & Cognitive Institute ACI is researching this.
You have to do what you enjoy
Oliver Korn uses his own biography to prove his conviction: “You have to do what you enjoy. Only then do you have a chance of doing it really well.” As a professor of Human Computer Interaction at the Media Faculty, he has turned his hobby of gaming and his passion of research into a profession. The stations before that were always interest-driven, too.
Bringing entrepreneurial thinking to the university
Towards the end of his studies, Oliver Korn was already working as an independent software developer. Later, this led to a business idea in the field of game-based business simulation. With the help of start-up grants, he successfully built up his own company over the next few years. Only then followed the path to a doctorate at the Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems at the University of Stuttgart.
StartUp and entrepreneurship are topics that Oliver Korn is also pushing in the university’s new Open Game & FabLab. In the OGFLab, students can try out their startup ideas. They are supported with expertise, space and financial start-up assistance.
The emotional component
How the Affective & Cognitive Institute was founded at Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, what exactly is being researched there, and much more can be found out in the OG-podcast #11 (in German).